Summer high temperature, when riding electric tricycle should be how to prevent summer heat?

In the hot summer, the heat prevention of riding electric tricycles has become an important issue of concern to the general public.

Experts point out that when riding an electric tricycle, comprehensive protection measures are the key. First of all, physical sunscreen is essential, choose a wide-brimmed visor can effectively block the direct sunlight on the face, sunglasses can protect the eyes from strong light stimulation, while wearing light and breathable long-sleeved clothing, can reduce the area of skin exposure to the sun. Before departure, be sure to prepare enough drinking water, and develop the habit of drinking water regularly, timely supplement the water lost due to sweating, to prevent dehydration.


Reasonable planning travel time is of great significance, should try to avoid the highest temperature 12 noon to 3 PM this period. If you have to travel in the high temperature period for work or other reasons, you can consider installing a qualified sunshade or sunshade in the body to create a shade for yourself and reduce the high temperature brought by direct sunlight. In addition, it is also important to keep the electric tricycle well ventilated, such as properly opening the Windows or installing small fans to help reduce the temperature inside the car. If dizziness, nausea and other uncomfortable symptoms occur on the way, you should immediately stop in a safe area and find a cool and ventilated place to rest.


The relevant departments also publicize the knowledge of heat prevention to the general public through various channels, calling on everyone to pay attention to summer riding heat prevention, effectively protect their own safety and health, so that every trip is convenient and comfortable.

Post time: Jun-28-2024